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gnu ASYM VELVET C2 сноуборд дъска

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Описание на продукта:Rocker Извивка: Rocker Type C2 Technology – Mild rocker between your feet with camber toward the tip and tais means full contact and control in all conditions so you can float, rip, and jib with precision and confidence. Твърдост Flex Rating – Medium Форма Asymmetry – The human body is asymmetric. Turn mechanics on a toe and heel side…

Описание на продукта:

Rocker Извивка: Rocker Type
C2 Technology – Mild rocker between your feet with camber toward the tip and tais means full contact and control in all conditions so you can float, rip, and jib with precision and confidence.

Flex Rating – Medium

Asymmetry – The human body is asymmetric. Turn mechanics on a toe and heel side turn are completely different. GNU builds in asymmetric balancing concepts to each side of your snowboard harmonizing with nature and creating a more efficient, less tiring, unreal ride.

Level 1 Asym Scale | Sidecut and Core – An asymmetric wood core has a softer flexing heelside. The sidecut is deeper on the heelside for power and a lower activation angle with precise control.

Asym Core - Aspen / Paulownia I / II Heels – Sustainably harvested, light, strong and poppy.

Tri-Ax / Bi-Ax – A glass and fiber reinforcement combination to give the snowboard a long life and plenty of pop.

UHMW – Ultra High Molecular Weight exterior sidewalls made from soy-based elastomer are laminated to five internal wood layers for totally bombproof sidewalls.

Eco-Sublimated Co-Ex – Fast, tough and easy to maintain.

Magne-Traction® – Unreal edge hold; 7 strategically located and sized edge serrations provide unreal edge hold and control in all conditions.

Eco Sublimated Poly Top – Tough and environmentally nice.

Art – Hannah Eddy @Hannfull

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